Who We Are
We are a community of people who seek to enjoy the hope and rest that God offers us in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and extend it to others. We meet for public worship on the east side of Cincinnati near Mount Washington, Anderson Township, and Hyde Park.
Faith Presbyterian Church exists for people of all generations to draw near to God and grow in faith, hope, and love for generations to come.
Our Mission:
To Welcome
To be an inviting place for people draw near to God.
To Nurture
To nurture a deepening of faith, faithfulness and caring well for those within our church community as we endeavor to follow Christ Jesus.
To Serve
To creatively serve the needs of people around us so that we might be a responsible means of God’s mercy and grace within our greater community.
Faith Presbyterian Church was started in February of 1981. The church soon purchased property across from the old Eastern Hills School (later to become Sands Montessori). Eventually, a new church sanctuary was built in 1993. The sanctuary and the adjacent building were renovated in 2008. In 2018 Faith demolished the original church property to build a fellowship hall and classroom space.
Faith has long been (and continues to be) a very caring and generous congregation of people who are seeking to follow Christ and grow in their faith through participating in the life of our church community and through serving the surrounding community within our city.
What We Believe
Faith Presbyterian Church is committed to the ancient historic Christian faith as defined through such creeds as the Apostles’ Creed and the Nicene Creed. In keeping with these documents, we believe in:
- The Trinity (that God has revealed Himself in the Scriptures as one true eternal God in three distinct persons - Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the same in substance, equal in power and glory).
- The Incarnation (that Jesus is fully God and fully man).
- The Atonement (that Jesus died on a cross and was raised from the dead in order to save sinners).
Faith Presbyterian Church is committed to evangelical doctrine in that we believe the Scriptures (the original documents themselves) to have been without error, completely trustworthy and the ultimate authority for our beliefs and our lifestyles. We believe these same Scriptures as they proclaim that salvation is only by God’s grace and is received solely by faith in Christ. We believe in the historicity of the biblical miracles, of the virgin birth, and in the reality of Christ’s second coming.
Faith Presbyterian Church is committed to Presbyterian doctrine in that our doctrinal views are in agreement with the writings and work of such men as Martin Luther, John Calvin, and John Knox, all leaders of the Protestant Reformation in 16th century Europe.
Our official doctrinal statement is the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Westminster Larger and Shorter Catechisms, all written in the 1640s.
We believe that God is sovereign in all things, including salvation, and that the sacraments of baptism and communion not only signify but also seal and apply what they represent. We are committed to a Presbyterian system of church government and to practicing the Lordship of Christ over all areas of life.
Such a (Presbyterian) theological framework will be apparent behind much that we do at Faith Presbyterian Church and while we sincerely and humbly believe that our position on these matters of theology are most consistent with the Scriptures, we also rejoice with all those who may differ somewhat on ecclesiology but nonetheless hold to the Biblical gospel. Indeed, while we are upfront as to our theological views, we do not require that our members themselves hold to every point of a Reformed theological perspective in order to become a member of Faith Presbyterian Church.
In other words, one doesn’t have to hold to every point of Reformed theology in order to become a member of Faith Presbyterian Church – one only has to have entered God’s kingdom through faith in Jesus Christ and thereby endeavor to live as a follower of Christ through the help of this local church body.